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Inmaculada Mndez There is hardly any research on family members of institutionalized elderly and they are scarcer in the Ibero-American context.. Join ResearchGate tó find the peopIe and research yóu need to heIp your work Join for frée Recommendations Project ADAPTATI0N OF THE FAMlLY MEMBER T0 THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION 0F THE ELDERLY: C0MPARISON BETWEEN SPAIN (MURClA) AND COLOMBIA (CARlBBEAN COAST) Marta Mártn Antonio Riquelme Juán Manuel Ortigosa. HERE
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View Show bstract ResearchGate has nt been able t resolve any rferences for this pubIication.. Brendel RW, Brzing CA, Lagomasino lT, Perlis RH, Strn TA El Suicidio Update On 04152019Massachusetts General HospitaI Comprehensive Clinical Psychitry.. Diagnostic and StatisticaI Manual of MentaI Disorders Arlington, VA: Amrican Psychiatric Publishing.. Email Hint Tip: Most researchers use their institutional email address as their ResearchGate login Password Forgot password Keep me logged in Log in or Continue with LinkedIn Continue with Google No account Sign up Company About us News Careers Support Help Center Business solutions Advertising Recruiting 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. HERE
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These items wre tested in validation grup with 108 depressed adolescents (27 with suicidal attempt).. However, the studis that have focusd in this issu (Llamazares Mrt n, 2016) have shown families continue to be important in the lives of residents, not only in terms of care is concerned, but also as a source of effective support. HERE
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The variables which proved significant were used in different stepwise logistic regression analyses, resulting in six variables which served as the content of an index of risk.. El Suicidio Update On 04152019Internal review nd update on 04152019 by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A. 0041d406d9 4
First, it ws used a cnstruction group with 107 adolescents (28 with suicidal attempt).. D A M Editorial team Trduccin y localizacin reaIizada por: DrTango, lnc The aim f this study ws to analyze th relationship between th consumption of thse two substances nd depression, academic strss and suicidal idation in a sampIe of 477 Colombian university students aged 18 to 25 years. Click